On a recent drive home from a Masonic function I asked myself, “What value do I bring to the world?” Not only as a Freemason but as a human being. In moments of reflection the luxury problems of my life seem minimal and pale in comparison to the world’s struggles. We are in trying times where peoples’ faith, not only in religion, but in their country and government, are being challenged. I see the people of my generation broadening their horizons and expanding their views; searching for something yet not knowing what they are searching for.
If we can focus on the fundamental principles of our Craft, we are better enabled to help ourselves and future generations. Again, I ask myself something that we should all ask ourselves and that is, “What value do I bring to my community, my family, my friends, and my Brothers? What are my motives? Am I serving God’s will?” I am reminded that we are spiritual beings having a very human experience. It is a remarkable thing when we align our experience with the collective consciousness of others.
So, my Brothers, let’s take this great gift bestowed upon us: that gift of awareness. That gift of being aware of our flaws and our assets. When we replace those negative aspects of our character with positive ones we are better equipped to go forth into the world and offer up our selfless service.
Look at each other with compassion and empathy. When we have a greater awareness of the suffering of others we will look at the world with love. Charity is the embodiment of love. There is nothing greater than looking through the eyes of love. From that viewpoint we can provide selfless service to those who need our aid and assistance.
Worshipful Brother,
Nic C.