2023 is setting up to be a great year for Olive Branch Lodge, the 17th Masonic District, and Masonry in
Our Lodge has some great plans and events in the works this year. From a Fellowcraft Degree at the
Historic Temple in Trenton to our Outside Master Mason Degree, our Summer BBQ, the Scotchtoberfest, the George Washington Breakfast, a Junior Wardens Trip, and more.
There is a lot of excitement this year in Olive Branch. The energy has been building over the years, and this is due to our Worshipful Brothers’ constant diligence and focus on building the Lodge. I look forward to working with all of you, and I am at your service!
The same goes for the 17th Masonic District, our home. I have planned this year to meet with the other
Worshipful Masters of our sister Lodges in the 17th Masonic District, on a regular basis. Our focus will be bringing our Lodges together, encouraging travel, making sure all events in our district are available for
everyone to attend, and most simply put, cementing our Brotherhood and Fraternity in the Light in which
Masons work!
Lastly Brethren, and per my installation speech:
Character is what we do when no one is watching. Character is defined by our intentions. Character has
no ego. Character does not strive for recognition. Character is selfless. And most importantly, Character is a journey – like that of the Rough Ashlar to the Perfect Ashlar.
May Charity, Hope, and Love be with you all.
WB Christopher Curcia