For Excellence in the Craft of Education, the Brothers of Olive Branch Lodge #16 of F. & A. M. hereby award Mr. Edward S. Gattsek the award for Educator of the Year! Congratulations!
Please join us this Tuesday, May 12 at 7:30 pm as R.W. Len Vander Horn presents “Masonic Youth Groups”! The Zoom meeting information is below. I hope to see you there!Fraternally,WB. Peter.
Meeting ID: 862 0020 8063 Password: 161849 One tap mobile +13126266799,,86200208063#,,1#,161849# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,86200208063#,,1#,161849# US (New York)
Friday, May 1st Olive Branch Lodge #16 will be holding our first annual Coffee House Evening!
This will be a night of gathering with good acoustic music performed by Brothers and Friends! Sets by: Ken & Jim Long, Ralph De Palma (Bass Guitarist of the “Sons of Time”), Peter De Lucia & Kevin Cotter
$20 per person at the door includes: Select Coffee Pours, Light Snacks, Pastries
Join us for a nice adult evening of relaxing music among good friends! This is an open event.