Greeting Brethren!

Greetings Brethren,

March is Spring. A time of Rebirth. The cycle of life thus begins again, and we are spectators of the great power of creation. As the air warms, and the Sun rules the day for more extended periods of time, I am reminded of what one of our most famous US Presidents once said, “ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” What can you do for Masonry?

When pondering these famous words, I am reminded that the Freemason finds his Masonic Light, his Charity, and Moral Virtue from within. A Lodge may be beautiful, a fellow Bother may be wise, and the lectures and ritual may be full of allegory, but we are the Tyler of our own inner Lodges. Only we can allow Masonic Light to be received and become part of that house not built by hands. We are rough ashlars, and it is up to us, individually, to determine how upright and smooth we can become before God and Man.

But as the stone becomes rounded over the ages by the rain, the wind, and “Brotherhood” with other stones, so it is with OUR Brothers. As Masons, our Light becomes brighter by the Brotherhood. Our Charity is shown to the Brotherhood. And our Moral Virtue tested by the Brotherhood. Without knowing it, we are that rough stone being smoothed out by The Brotherhood. As you enjoy Brotherly love and interacting with other Good men looking to become better, ask yourself: “What can I do for Masonry? What can I do for my Lodge? What can I do for a distressed worthy Brother? Am I being truly honest and dignified with an erring Brother?”

As the butterfly’s wings fluttering in Japan causes the Hurricane in the Atlantic, so does the smallest gesture or act you do for our Fraternity, create the biggest impact…Good or Bad. In keeping with this year’s theme of not forgetting why we became Masons, I give it to you strictly in charge, ever to be a Mason in your mind, heart, and actions. Humbly and selflessly impart your own Light….and fear no Danger!

WB Christopher Curcia